This short contribution discusses three Late Middle Kingdom stelae fragments in the collection of the Museo Egizio, Turin – Suppl. 12348, Suppl. 12355, and Suppl. 12397 – focusing particularly on workshops, names, titles, and the identities of the individuals mentioned on these objects.
1. The Stelae Fragments
The large limestone fragment (17.7 x 19.2 x 15.5 cm) of a stela with the inventory number Suppl. 12348 (Fig. 1) contains images of three standing figures (two men and one woman) oriented towards the right.4 The text identifies the male figures as a “[
Stela fragment Museo Egizio, Turin, Suppl. 12348. Photo: Museo Egizio, Turin.
Fig. 1
Among the eight limestone fragments of a stela, jointly inventoried as Suppl. 12355 (Fig. 2), the only
Stelae fragments Museo Egizio, Turin, Suppl. 12355. Photo: Museo Egizio, Turin.
Fig. 2
The limestone fragment Suppl. 12397 (Fig. 3), measuring 18 x 32 x 11.5 cm, preserves part of two registers separated by an incised line. In the upper register, on the right, are two standing left-facing female figures identified as “royal [ornament]” ([
Stela fragment Museo Egizio, Turin, Suppl. 12397. Photo: Museo Egizio, Turin.
Fig. 3
Stela London, British Museum, EA255. Photo: ©The Trustees of the British Museum. Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
Fig. 4
Turin Suppl. 12397 can be attributed to the SIP Theban Workshop 4 together with stelae London BM EA255; Cairo JE 42824; Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt: Egyptian Sculpture XII, Charles Ede auction house catalogue, London 1985, no. 3; and Philadelphia 54-33-1.
2. Comments on the Titles
The partly preserved title of a “
The title
The women attested on the fragments are marked as
The identifier “female servant of the ruler” is frequently referenced as a “title” in the literature, although it primarily indicates rank rather than a specific position.20 It has also been observed that the male relatives of
Who were the men mainly associated with the “female servants of the ruler”? Based on the preserved corpus of attestations, holders of the title
For example, on the late Dynasty 13 stela Florence 760325 a
Rarely, a
A similar pattern is also noted with the titles
Administrative matters and outdoor commissions were also entrusted to
For scholars in the field of prosopography, including the author, it is common to focus on a quantitative approach and statistical data. However, within interpretative sociology, the use of statistics on selected material (such as varying levels of preservation, types of sources, etc.) is frequently regarded as questionable, as the data may lack representativeness. In this form of prosopography
Indeed, our jigsaw puzzle is far from complete, and we may even be fitting pieces together incorrectly. In fact, “female servants of the ruler” are primarily, though not exclusively, attested on objects either produced or originating from Upper Egypt. On the other hand, how can we determine the percentage of the 42 preserved attestations of “female servants of the ruler” in relation to the total number that once existed? While this question may appear highly hypothetical, alternative approaches for addressing it are possible.
According to data from the Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom database, there are 391 attestations of the title “chief of tens of Upper Egypt” (representing approximately 300 individuals),34 131 attestations of the title “
Based on the available data pertaining to individuals holding the titles
Due to a lack of data on their family backgrounds and the absence of solid patterns in sources documenting the male relatives of “female servants of the ruler”, it remains uncertain whether their status was
The social circle(s) to which the
Women marked as
The holders of the title
Although disused fragments preserve limited data from the objects they once were part of, the names and titles they reveal are valuable additions to the prosopographic corpus of the late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period. New additions to the lists of various title holders are always possible. In most cases, these will not reveal much – just another attestation of a name, title, or, at best, new dossiers. However, they serve as a reminder that our knowledge of the total number of individuals with titles remains incomplete.
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Bosticco, Sergio, Museo Archeologico di Firenze: le stele egiziane dall’Antico al Nuovo Regno (Cataloghi dei musei e gallerie d’Italia), Roma 1959.
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Donadoni Roveri, Anna Maria, Museo Egizio di Torino. Civiltà degli Egizi: le credenze religiose, Torino 1988.
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Eldamaty, Mamdouh, “Stela of Iuyres in Cairo Museum”, in: Ola El-Aguizy and Mohamed Sherif Ali (eds.), Echoes of Eternity: Studies Presented to Gaballa Aly Gaballa (Philippika 35), Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 91–96.
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Franke, Detlef, “Ursprung und Bedeutung der Titelsequenz
Franke, Detlef, “Review of Essays on Feminine Titles of the Middle Kingdom and the Related Subjects, by W. A. Ward”, JEA 76 (1990), pp. 228–32.
Franke, Detlef and Marcel Marée, Egyptian Stelae in the British Museum from the 13th–17th Dynasties. Volume I, fascicule 1: Descriptions, London 2013.
Grajetzki, Wolfram and Danijela Stefanović, Dossiers of Ancient Egyptians: The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period. Addition to Franke’s “Personendaten” (GHP Egyptology 19), London 2012.
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, “Review of Dossiers of Ancient Egyptians: The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period. Addition to Franke’s ‘Personendaten’ by W. Grajetzki and D. Stefanović”, BiOr 71/3 (2014), pp. 139–45.
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, “Theban Administration in the Late Middle Kingdom”, ZÄS 142 (2015), pp. 120–53.
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, From Workshop to Sanctuary: The Production of Late Middle Kingdom Memorial Stelae (MKS 6), London 2017.
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, “Female Titles Specific to Southern Upper Egypt in the Late Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period”, BACE 26 (2018), pp. 19–36.
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Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, “Minor Contributions to Middle Kingdom Prosopography”, in: Gianluca Miniaci and Wolfram Grajetzki (eds.), The World of Middle Kingdom III: Contributions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources (MKS 12), London 2022, pp. 207–16.
Ilin-Tomich, Alexander, Egyptian Name Scarabs from the 12th to the 15th Dynasty: Geography and Chronology of Production (CAENL 16), Wiesbaden 2023.
Lange, Hans O., and Heinrich Schäfer, Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches im Museum von Kairo. Theil 1: Text zu No. 20001–20399 (CGC 20001–20780), Berlin 1902.
Miniaci, Gianluca, “Il potere nella 17a dinastia: il titolo ‘figlio del re’ e il ripensamento delle strutture amministrative nel Secondo Periodo Intermedio”, in: Sergio Pernigotti and Mario Zecchi (eds.), Il tempio e il suo personale nell’Egitto antico: atti del quarto Colloquio, Bologna, 24-25 settembre 2008, Imola 2010, pp. 99–131.
Moiso, Beppe, La storia del Museo Egizio, Modena 2016.
PN I = Ranke, Hermann, Die ägyptischen Personennamen. Vol. 1, Verzeichnis der Namen, Glückstadt 1935.
PN II = Ranke, Hermann, Die ägyptischen Personennamen. Vol. 2. Einleitung. Form und Inhalt der Namen. Geschichte der Namen. Vergleiche mit anderen Namen. Nachträge und Zusätze zu Band I. Umschreibungslisten, Glückstadt 1952.
Quirke, Stephen, Titles and Bureaux of Egypt 1850–1700 BC (GHP Egyptology 1), London 2004.
Quirke, Stephen, “Four Titles: What is the Difference?”, in: D.P. Silverman et al. (eds.), Archaism and Innovation: Studies in the Culture of Middle Kingdom Egypt, New Heaven 2009, pp. 305–17.
Schiaparelli, Ernesto, “La missione italiana a Ghebelein”, ASAE 21 (1921), pp. 126–28.
Small Sculpture from Ancient Egypt: Egyptian Sculpture XII, Charles Ede auction house catalogue, London 1985.
Stefanović, Danijela, The Holders of Regular Military Titles in the Period of the Middle Kingdom: Dossiers (GHP Egyptology 4), London 2006.
Stefanović, Danijela, “Stela Bolton 1920.10.12: The Non-Royal Women of the Middle Kingdom II (
Stefanović, Danijela, The Non-Royal Regular Feminine Titles of the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period: Dossiers (GHP Egyptology 11), London 2009.
Stefanović, Danijela, “The
Stefanović, Danijela, Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women: The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period (MKS 5), London 2016.
Stefanović, Danijela and Helmut Satzinger, “I Am a
Tooley, Angela, “Notes on Type 1 Truncated Figurines. Part 2: Hairstyles and the Conceptual Development of Braided Forms”, SAK 49 (2020), pp. 243–74.
Troy, Lana, Patterns of Queenship in Ancient Egyptian Myth and History (Boreas 14), Uppsala 1986.
Van den Boorn, Guido P. F., The Duties of the Vizier: Civil Administration in the Early New Kingdom (StudEgypt), London 1988.
Ward, William A., Index of Egyptian Administrative and Religious Titles of the Middle Kingdom, Beirut 1982.
Ward, William A., Essays on Feminine Titles of the Middle Kingdom and the Related Subjects, Beirut 1986.
- Franke, <i>Personendaten</i>, 1984; see also Grajetzki and Stefanović, <i>Dossiers of Ancient Egyptians</i></Dossiers>, 2012; Stefanović, <i>Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women</i>, 2016; Ilin-Tomich, <i>BiOr</i> 71 (2014); Ilin-Tomich, in Miniaci and Grajetzki (eds.), <i>The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt III</i>, 2022.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/info">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/info</a>.↑
- The term Gebelein refers to a group of archaeological sites located 28 km southwest of Luxor on the west bank of the Nile in the Qena Governorate of Egypt. It encompasses two towns (Sumenu and Per-Hathor), cemeteries, cult places, etc. For an overview, see Ejsmond, <i>Gebelein: An Overview</i>, 2016, and Fiore Marochetti, in Wendrich (ed.), <i>UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology</i>, 2013. For the Italian excavations at Gebelein, see Schiaparelli, <i>ASAE</i> 21 (1921) and Moiso, <i>Storia del Museo Egizio</i>, 2016, pp. 58–60; 64–65; 94–95. The author is grateful to Museum Egizio’s staff for providing images of the objects and archaeological information about them.↑
- There are other unpublished fragments of Middle Kingdom/Second Intermediate Period stelae at the Museo Egizio that are of particular interest, such as Provv. 5006, mentioning the name <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">rn.f-rs</named-content>, Suppl. 12345bis mentioning a <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">ḥmt-nswt nbw-ḫꜥ.s</named-content>, Suppl. 12351 testifying to a <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">jrj-pḏt wꜣjj</named-content>, Suppl. 12369 with a <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">nbt pr tꜣ-ntt</named-content>, and Suppl. 12414 commemorating a <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">mtj n sꜣ</named-content> (?) <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">sꜣ-ḥwt-ḥr</named-content> and a <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">snb.f-ꜥnḫ</named-content>.↑
- Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 13/20.↑
- Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 15/25.↑
- Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 235/13.↑
- Ilin-Tomich, <i>From Workshop to Sanctuary</i>, 2017, front cover, pp. 107–08, pl. 13.↑
- Donadoni Roveri, <i>Museo Egizio di Torino</i>, 1988, pp. 91–92, fig. 120.↑
- Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 192/2.↑
- See Ranke, <i>PN</i> II, 1952, p. 275/11.↑
- Not attested in either Ranke, <i>PN</i> or <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>. Compare with <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">n-rḫ.tw.f</named-content> (Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 168/19).↑
- Ranke, <i>PN</i> I, 1935, p. 14/5.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 25, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/2/workshop/41">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/2/workshop/41</a>. See also Franke and Marée, <i>Egyptian Stelae</i>, 2013, p. 142.↑
- Compare with titles <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">wꜥb n ḥwt-ḥr nbt jwnt</named-content> and <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">wꜥb ꜥꜣ n ḥwt-ḥr</named-content>. <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 21, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/172">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/172</a> and <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/1749">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/1749</a>. The reading of the title on scarab seal Berkeley 6-12786 (see <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/579">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/579</a>) is amended (see Ilin-Tomich, <i>Egyptian Name Scarabs</i>, 2023, p. 60). Cf. Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, nos. 652 and 673.↑
- Берлев, <i>Палестинский сборник</i> 17 (1967); Berlev, <i>RdÉ</i> 23 (1971).↑
- Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, no. 13; Quirke, <i>Titles and Bureaux</i>, 2004, p. 99; Stefanović, <i>Regular Military Titles</i>, 2006, pp. 72–94; De Gaetano, in Apostola and Kekes (eds.), <i>Current Research in Egyptology 2021</i>, 2022.↑
- See <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/179">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/179</a>.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/331">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/331</a>.↑
- See Ward, <i>Essays on Feminine Titles</i>, 1986, pp. 6–7; Stefanović, <i>Non-Royal Regular Feminine Titles</i>, 2009, pp. 57–63; Ilin-Tomich, <i>BACE</i> 26 (2018).↑
- Stefanović, <i>Non-Royal Regular Feminine Titles</i>, 2009, pp. 57–58; Ilin-Tomich, <i>BACE</i> 26 (2018), pp. 20–22.↑
- Ilin-Tomich, <i>BACE</i> 26 (2018), pp. 21–22.↑
- Loc. cit.↑
- Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, no. 721; Quirke, <i>Titles and Bureaux</i>, 2004, p. 84; Quirke, in Silverman et al. (eds.), <i>Archaism and Innovation</i>, 2009; Ilin-Tomich, <i>ZÄS</i> 142 (2015); Ilin-Tomich, in Arkhipov et al. (eds.), <i>Pratiques administratives et comptables</i>, 2021.↑
- Bosticco, <i>Museo Archeologico di Firenze</i>, 1959, no. 43.↑
- Stefanović, <i>Non-Royal Regular Feminine Titles</i>, 2009, pp. 58–63.↑
- Eldamaty, in El-Aguizy and Sherif Ali (eds.), <i>Echoes of Eternity</i>, 2010, pp. 91–96.↑
- Lange and Schäfer, <i>Grab- und Denksteine des Mittleren Reiches</i>, Vol. 1, 1902, pp. 101–03.↑
- Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, no. 1309; Quirke, <i>Titles and Bureaux</i>, 2004, p. 33; Quirke, in Silverman et al. (eds.), <i>Archaism and Innovation</i>, 2009; Ilin-Tomich, <i>ZÄS</i> 142 (2015); Ilin-Tomich, in Arkhipov et al. (eds.), <i>Pratiques administratives et comptables</i>, 2021.↑
- Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, nos. 523 and 584; Quirke, <i>Titles and Bureaux</i>, 2004, pp. 89–90; Franke, <i>SAK</i> 11 (1984); Quirke, in Silverman et al. (eds.), <i>Archaism and Innovation</i>, 2009; Ilin-Tomich, <i>ZÄS</i> 142 (2015); Ilin-Tomich, in Arkhipov et al. (eds.), <i>Pratiques administratives et comptables</i>, 2021.↑
- Van den Boorn, <i>Duties of the Vizier</i>, 1988, pp. 33–34.↑
- Ilin-Tomich, <i>ZÄS</i> 142 (2015).↑
- Carney, <i>Phoenix</i> 27/2 (1973), p. 160.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/178">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/178</a>.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/10">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/10</a>.↑
- <i>Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom</i>, Version 5 (accessed August 24, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/192">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/192</a>.↑
- For example, on the late Dynasty 13 stela sold by Galartis SA auction house in 2016, six individuals are named: <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">ꜥnḫ n njwt sꜣ-jmn</named-content>, //// <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">ddw-sbk</named-content>, <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">nbt pr ttj</named-content>, her mother <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">kjjt</named-content>, and <named-content content-type="traslitterazione-unicode">jrjj-pḏt jtj</named-content>. See <a href="https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/stele-egyptienne-deuxieme-periode-intermediaire-103-c-8de4c6ca6d?objectID=111536712&algIndex=undefined&queryID=bc2cc8bcdbfa2ae57c84fe6490d99d86">https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/stele-egyptienne-deuxieme-periode-intermediaire-103-c-8de4c6ca6d?objectID=111536712&algIndex=undefined&queryID=bc2cc8bcdbfa2ae57c84fe6490d99d86</a> (accessed April 10, 2024).↑
- Ward, <i>Essays on Feminine</i> Titles, 1986, p. 8; Stefanović and Satzinger, in Miniaci and Grajetzki (eds.), <i>The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt I</i>, 2015.↑
- Ward, <i>Essays on Feminine Titles</i>, 1986, pp. 24–38; Franke, <i>JEA</i> 76 (1990), p. 229; Stefanović, <i>SAK</i> 38 (2009); Stefanović, <i>Non-Royal Regular Feminine Titles</i>, 2009, pp. 85–109; Stefanović, in Kousoulis and Lazaridis (eds.), <i>Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists</i>, 2015, and Ilin-Tomich, BACE 26 (2018). For a general overview of the chronological framework of the title (from the late Old Kingdom to the end of Dynasty 18) and its cultic associations, see Fekri, in Daoud et al. (eds.), Studies in Honor of Ali Radwan, 2005; Troy, Patterns of Queenship, 1986, pp. 86–88, and Tooley, <i>SAK</i> 49 (2020).↑
- Ward, <i>Index MK</i>, 1982, no. 1245. See especially Miniaci, in Pernigotti and Zecchi (eds.), <i>Il tempio e il suo personale nell’Egitto antico</i>, 2010. For the list of title holders see Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom, Version 4 (accessed March 14, 2024): <a href="https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/165">https://pnm.uni-mainz.de/title/165</a>.↑
- Enany, <i>CahKarn</i> 13 (2010). See also Stefanović, <i>Dossiers of Ancient Egyptian Women</i>, 2016, no. 180.↑
- See, for example, the stela Cairo CG 20322 (Lange and Schäfer, <i>Grab- und Denksteine</i> 1, 1902, pp. 334–35).↑