The Late Eighteenth Dynasty Tomb of Ry at Saqqara (Reign of Tutankhamun). Horemheb’s Chief of Bowmen and Overseer of Horses Contextualised
The Leiden-Turin Archaeological Expedition to Saqqara: Preliminary Results of the 2019 Fieldwork Season

Crossing Boundaries: Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt (with a 2019 Progress Report)
RiME 9 (2025)
RiME 8 (2024)
RiME 7 (2023)
RiME 6 (2022)
RiME 5 (2021)
RiME 4 (2020)
RiME 3 (2019)
A First Assessment of the Conservation of the Mummified Human Remains in the Museo Egizio in Turin in the Framework of the “Mummy Conservation Project”
M. Samadelli, G. Gregori, F. Maixner, M. Rossani, P. Del Vesco, M. Borla, A. Paladin, C. Wurst, K. Sterflinger-Gleixner, C. Voitl, M. Cibin, G. S. Thomas, B. Frohlich, R. C. Thompson, A. R. Zink
- 13 2019