Amun, Mut and… Ramesses II? (Turin Cat. 767): Reflections on the Dating of a Triad and on the Practice of Restoring and Reanimating Statues
The Long Journey of Neshor from Cairo to Turin
A List with the Forms of Osiris and the Names of Royal Ancestors (P. Turin Cat. 1877)
A Dialogue Between Past and Current Excavations at Heliopolis: The Case Study of Schiaparelli’s “Tempio del Sole” and Area 232
Papyrus Turin Cat. 1883 + Cat. 2095: A New Edition of an Already Known Papyrus
RiME 9 (2025)
RiME 8 (2024)
RiME 7 (2023)
RiME 6 (2022)
RiME 5 (2021)
RiME 4 (2020)
RiME 3 (2019)
A First Assessment of the Conservation of the Mummified Human Remains in the Museo Egizio in Turin in the Framework of the “Mummy Conservation Project”
M. Samadelli, G. Gregori, F. Maixner, M. Rossani, P. Del Vesco, M. Borla, A. Paladin, C. Wurst, K. Sterflinger-Gleixner, C. Voitl, M. Cibin, G. S. Thomas, B. Frohlich, R. C. Thompson, A. R. Zink
- 13 2019